On another note.....
I'm a happy girl. That is all.
(aka Crazy Nerd Babe) Random rants, useless fluff and mindless blather. Typically out-spoken, always heartfelt, and occasionally bordering on too-much-information.
Seems to have been a chaotic week here in the Blogosphere. Two of my favorite bloggers (who shall remain nameless, but who will soon be noticeably absent from my Blogroll) closed up shop. Anonymity is a great attraction to this whole blogging world, and I'm sure that for these two, with huge "fanbases," that anonymity was somewhat lost, which subsequently stifled their writing.
OH! I can't believe I didn't think of this quiz first! Sheesh, it's only one of the most important movies of the 1980's (a close second behind "Ferris Beauller's Day Off" of course).
This makes me really glad I'm safe and sound over here at Blogspot.
Do NOT get me a prescription for these patches. I've got too much of a sex-drive as it is...
A Musical Meme….
This is the first I've heard/read about this incident (yes, apparently I've been living in a cave lately!), but I can't believe a grown man would do this to a kid!
I work with a couple of girls who are a bit younger than I am. By "a bit," I mean about 10 years. Most of the time, this isn't an issue, though we (the 'older' women) do pick on them from time to time.
And hey, after those... *ahem* enhancements a couple weeks back how could I not?
The Good
I'm all for a relaxed work environment, but I don't know that I want to be surfing porn with my co-workers.
Well, my roommate successfully (finally!) dragged my ass out of the house yesterday. I've been very good at making up excuses to get out of social engagements this week, since Jeff left. I've just not been in a real happy-fun-social mood. I've been in the mood to sulk and cry and sit around on the couch in my jammies watching "90210" re-runs on FX (not to mention "Newlyweds" on MTV).
...please refrain from using it at ALL!
What sort of world are we living in that kids in junior high school can no longer enjoy an innocent food fight without fear of getting arrested?
Shamelessly stolen from Minnesota Diva.
I guess I'm in this super-sentimental mood today (that, or I'm bored at work).
Just going through some of the pics I got developed last weekend. This is a classic one from the wedding.
"Perfect Password"
Last night, around 5:45, I happened to flip by C-Span, which was broadcasting people filing past President Reagan's casket to pay their respects. The scene was quite tranquil, people shuffling along quietly, never taking their eyes off the casket at the center of the Rotunda. From what I could gather, it appeared that there was a representative from each branch of the Armed Forces, standing at attention, watching over the casket. The only sounds that could be heard were the soft footsteps, and the occasional cough.
While Eric is on vacation, his guest-bloggers are wreaking havoc over at his place. It's been a terribly amusing week indeed (afterall, Eric's are large shoes to fill!).
... I wanted to provide you all with an accurate representation of what I look like while I'm working (or blogging).
Seriously. This would be just my luck.
Ok, so they are coming out of the woodwork.
Sometimes I wish I DIDN'T know what people were actually looking for when they happen upon my blog.
Seeing as I've been doing an excess of crying, sniffling and feeling sorry for myself the last day or so, I figured it warrranted a new poll.
Well leave it to James to supply me with the latest in memes.... But this one has a twist! These questions are for YOU to answer (via comment or email, if you prefer)...
...and then there are days like today where they totally redeem themselves.
The USS J.F.K. has officially gone out to sea. And on it, the love of my life, Jeffrey.
I gotta say.... In bright sunlight, shiny fabrics are flattering to NO ONE.
OH! The photographer for Sam and Roy's wedding set up a website with all the proofs from the wedding pics!! They are BEAUTIFUL! Apparently they took over 1400 shots, so I haven't had a chance to go through them all yet, but here's a cute one of Jeff and I walking back up the aisle following the ceremony (mind you, this is about 2 seconds after I nearly passed out... long story... I'll get to that later).
More about the evil (future) MiL....
I experienced a sad, sad loss last night. My favorite bra, Buffy, passed away last night.
Jeff leaves Monday. That's three days away. I'm still not dealing with this well. In fact, the stress/anxiety over it is causing me to not sleep, not eat, and drink just a WEE bit too much. (Okay, maybe more than a "wee bit.") However, this diet of Beer and Diet Coke seems to be working for me - I've lost about 7 lbs in the last week (and apparently it shows, as my dear friend Sam slapped my ass and remarked about it seeming "less voluptuous" last night as we were walking into a restaurant!)
A little humor to start off the morning. (For some reason I pictured Eric as I read this)...
After all the drama of the last few weeks, I needed this. Yes, all it takes to lift my spirits is a few computer-generated kind words. *sigh*
N | Naughty |
A | Accurate |
T | Terrific |
A | Amazing |
S | Silly |
H | Hardworking |
A | Appealing |
Well, I was in need of some lighthearted fun, and seeing as it's been DAYS (sheesh, at least 5 or 6) since I've done a meme, I figured, "What the hell, let's steal this one from Dick!"
Months ago, Jeff and I began discussing the idea of my visiting his son from time to time (whatever we could get his Ex to agree to), to get pictures of him, have him draw and write things for Jeff so I could send them to him, and to take him down to visit Jeff's parents.