Monday, May 03, 2004

I'm such a pervert....

So I'm checking my email, and as I log out of Yahoo, I catch a glimpse of one of those little ads that appear in Yahoo! Mail. Now, I don't want to get sued for slander or anything, so I'll refrain from linking, or even telling you who the advertiser is. But picture this: A photo of an attractive, dark-haired young woman, puckering up, lips pouty and painted a glossy red. And the headline? "What is DSL?"

My initial comment was to correct the grammar, and change it to "What are DSL's?" Then I realized the ad was for an internet service provider, and was not, as I had assumed, some reference to a woman's facial features and their possible role in oral sex.

Now playing: Actually, since I'm leaving work, the radio is already off. Silence is golden.


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