Monday, May 03, 2004

Happy Almost BIrthday To Nee... er... ME!

I've noticed this phenomenon in the blogosphere... everywhere you look, people have links to their "Amazon Wish Lists." I'll admit, I've perused a few... It's interesting to see what music and movies other people are interested in... .but does anyone ever USE them? I mean, does the average blogger see that link, click it and go, "I liked today's post. I think I'll send her a CD."

Probably not.

Nevertheless, I've started to develop my own wish list... it's still got a long ways to go (hey - I like music and movies!). And seeing as my birthday is a mere 8 days away, I figure this is a perfect opportunity to shed all shame, and beg for gifts.

So quit reading this meaningless fluff, and get to shopping!

Now playing: "Downtown Train" - Rod Stewart

What can I say, but "BLEH!"


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