Sunday, May 09, 2004

Do I really have to go back to work tomorrow?


I'm in a bit of a pleasantly relaxed haze. It's been one of those weekends... one of those utterly perfect, terribly busy yet still relaxing weekends. One where I accomplished very little, but managed to have a ton of fun.

Jeff and I did something novel this weekend - we went out on a date. More specifically, we had "Friday Date Night." I mention this simply because it's so easy to fall into a rut when you're in a long-term relationship. And that's not to say that ruts are inherently BAD. Quite the contrary - I enjoy the comfort of routine. But oftentimes once we reach that comfort level with a partner, we lose a bit of the romance.

Friday night Jeff worked late. He had called me at work to let me know he'd be late, at which point I assumed all plans for the evening were shot. But then he called as he was leaving work, and said, "Why don't you check the movie listings. Let's go see 'Van Helsing.'" Upon arriving home, he asked what movie I wanted to see, and then remarked that we had plenty of time to grab some dinner before the movie started. And off we went.... We hopped on the bike, stopped for Mexican food, saw the movie, and went home.

And I suppose it's not so much that the actual events of the evening were any different than a typical Friday night; We often go to dinner and a movie. But we seemed to have regained a certain little spark that I feared had been lost. We talked more, laughed more, flirted with each other more. He opened doors for me, held my hand all through the movie... did all the subtle romantic and chivalrous things he did for me when we first met. And who knows when those things started to fade... I didn't actually notice. But it sure was refreshing to have them back!!


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