Wednesday, April 28, 2004

As long as we're talking about my co-workers...

...and their grasp (or lack thereof) of the English language.

Frequently the conversations around here are peppered with non-words. By non-words, I mean these bastardizations of real words that are used so often they have almost become words themselves.

Some of my (non) favorites?


As far as the written word goes, the incorrect usage of "their" vs. "there" and "hear" vs. "hear" abounds around here. Wasn't that stuff taught back in the 4th grade? Sheesh!

And for those of you who live in the South, as I do, I'm sure you're all-too-familiar with the use of "axe" in place of "ask."

So what are some of your favorite abuses of the English language?

Now playing: "Stairway to Heaven." Um, if I need to tell ya who it is, well... you need to climb out from under that rock you're living under. Needless to say, I've escaped soft rock hell.


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